Dive Against Debris Certified!

Yesterday I had an intense day in the water and out. It wasnt difficult, on the contrary was quite enjoyable to learn about the ProjectAWARE efforts that have been going on for the last 16 years. It was though, heart wrenching - the photos of the entangled innocent creatures and the harm that our own choices cause on these magnificent beings. On the thounsands of tons of debris - from plastic cups to kitchen appliances(!) to industrial waste dumped every year! It was very difficult to keep away from thinking about where we have come as humanity. 
The best part was that we collected a 5kg bag of bottles, cans, plastic cups, fishing lines, plastic bags and plastic fragments - too small to identify what they used to be. A couple of pieces were stuck deep in the seabed and we couldnt remove them. There were also things that were too large to remove: a ladder, multiple cans/barrels of unknown content and many many tires... The tires, when touched were getting stripped off, probably a sign that it's been there for a considerable amount of time, at least enough time for it to begin disintegrating.
At the end, the ocean is 5kgs cleaner and I am certified to organize ProjectAWARE events anywhere. :) 
All is well on Bonaire. 
Today- back to Lionfish diving. :) 


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