Clipperton Expedition Day 3 actually day 4

Correcting my day reflection. We are on Day 4 of the Expedition as Day 1 was the day we left port of course. 

One more full day at sea with no land in sight. Everybody now has set up their cameras and we are ready to get diving. 
We didnt have any sightings of dolphins or whales today. There are plenty of flying fish and about 10am we saw a group of 6 boobies - two masked and the others red footed along with 2 tropic birds - what looks like a tern but is not. It's priceless to have all these scientists on board, they're our in house googling. 😂 
Early afternoon in between naps Mauricio gave us an inspiring presentation on sharks. All the sharks that he has been researching in the area and how they tag the adult tigers. There is a reason why he's known as 'the guy who high fives great whites'. Truly, how we monsterize things in our 'modern' minds just because of the media is a testament to our gullible tendencies. No, dont worry I will not be high-fiving great whites 😂🚫. But Im looking forward to seeing tigers again and hammerheads. Though in Clipperton it's usually babies and juveniles they see, they have tracked adults from 80+ metre depths around the island. 
Later in the day Elaine told us about how she's planning on studying the invasive rats on Clipperton. She works for the Mediterranean Research and Development Institute in the South of France, a scientist. The invasive rats are likely causing some of the decline in the number of boobies spotted on the island, as they feed on the eggs. They are thought to be on land only since 98-99 following a shipwreck. She'll be staying on the island in a tent(!), and trapping them during the night. Looking for signs of feathers and egg shells in their stomachs and feces. If anything is found Part 2 of the study will return to eradicate the rats from this small atoll. 
That about wraps up Day 4. The sunset was very nice, we were all up on the sundeck listening to music and saving the world from plastics as we watched another day disappear below the horizon. 
The stars though, no words can express and no lense can capture their infitine twinkles over the dark pacific at night. Truly breathtaking. 
We are scheduled to arrive at Clipperton in just a few more hours. Prior to noon on Day 5 and have our first dive at 130pm! Exciting! 


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